Ferrari Formula 1 street demonstration in Mexico City

On the 2nd August the Scuderia Ferrari woke up the streets of Mexico City. The event was organised by the team’s sponsor Telcel to celebrate Formula 1’s return to Mexico with Esteban Gutiérrez doing the honours on his home turf at the wheel of the F60 which Ferrari contested the 2009 World Championship. Esteban carried out a series of demonstration runs on the road that links the Glorieta de la Palma to Fuente de la Diana Cazadora.

Esteban: “It was an incredible feeling and a cause of much pride for me to drive a Ferrari here today. Following on from the Rodriguez brothers and the fact there has not been a Formula 1 race in Mexico for so many years, meant that driving a Ferrari on the streets in this country has a special significance for me. The enthusiasm of the crowd that turned out confirms the great passion there is for this sport in my country.”

We were contracted by Pinhole Productions in Mexico City on behalf of Ferrari to shoot hyperlapse sequences for the official video of this event.

Here is the first 1 minute short – the longer 5 min version will follow later.